Summer Hydration

Summer hydration suggestions

Consuming water is important all year round and especially in the summer. Here are some basic recommendations you can find in most articles and research:

·        Before: 10 -20 fl. oz. about two hours prior to your run so you'll start off properly hydrated.

  • During: Drink about 5-10 fl. oz. of water every 15-20 minutes while running.

  • After: Post-exercise hydration gets your fluid levels back to normal and can help with recovery. For every pound lost while running, drink 16-24 fl. oz. of water. Personally, I try to drink at least 32 oz within an hour of finishing a longer run.

For most people you won’t need hydration for runs under about 45 min, especially if you are well hydrated before the run.

Importance of Electrolytes

Electrolytes are also very important to consume. Drinking only water does not replenish what is lost in your sweat. There are many options out there and I always suggest trying a few options out and seeing what works for you. My favorite is Nuun and Skratch or Tailwind for efforts over 2 hours to compliment my nutrition intake. For humid races in other states, I sometimes take salt/electrolyte pills.

For longer races and runs, it is also important to be hydrated the day and days leading up to the run. If you are starting off dehydrated, you cannot make it up mid-run. Consume both water and electrolytes the day before!

There are more recommendations out there, but the above can be considered the basics and my personal recommendations.

Ideas of how to carry and consume liquids

I also wanted to share common and creative ways to get access to hydration during longer efforts. There are many ways to carry hydration and again, personal preference is the best!

For shorter runs, or runs with access to water sources, handhelds can be used. These often have pockets attached to carry gels, electrolyte resources and more! They can vary from about 12 oz to 20oz in most cases. On road runs, I HATE carrying things. On out and back runs, I sometimes run out a few miles and stash my handheld. I can have water up till then, run out a little further, then grab it again on the way back. This can give my arms a break from carrying the bottle. My favorite handheld is the Nathan Exo Shot. I like the collapsible bottle so I can put it in a pocket or not have something as bulky when it is empty.

Another option for hydration is setting up your own “aid station”. You can plan for an out-and-back or a loop then end back at your car. Re-hydrate, eat, etc, then, head back out or back out another direction. This is a nice option to not have to carry things.

Hydration belts that hold bottles on your waist is another way to carry more than one bottle. On longer trail runs, I always utilize a vest so I can also carry layers and my phone. Most vests have options for a bladder and bottles which can be nice to be able to carry water and electrolyte options. My absolute favorite is the Salomon Adv Skin vest. The pocket stretches and can fit a lot (I have even fit in a pair of running shoes in my 5L!). It is comfortable and easy to adjust on the move. I also have not had any chafing with the fabric as I have with other brands.

In summary, HYDRATE!! Get creative to get water. Dehydration is not an option! For gear, shop local, ask questions, and try things on. See what works for you, your goals, and running style.





Measuring Effort